Transform your life with Graceful Soul Healing QHHT® & BQH®
Experience the power of your subconscious mind today!

Experience the power of your subconscious mind today!
Please contact me directly for pricing.
My name is Christy Major, I am a Microbiologist/Biotechnologist by trade and have worked in the Pharmaceutical industry for 25 years.
But over the past several years I’ve learned that my purpose, or calling, is to help people, pure and simple. I have had my fair share of trauma in my life; marriage, divorce, fertility issues, custody battles, suicides, depression, physical and mental abuse, loss of a child, loss of my parents, struggles with my spirituality. ALL of which is what led me down the path of QHHT® and BQH®, as I searched for answers to my physical and emotional pain. I truly believe that we are all meant for something greater, not only as individuals but Humanity as a whole, and I believe that QHHT® and BQH® can help us understand our present, through an exploration of the past, and move us all in the direction of our true purpose.
I also feel that those of us that have experienced trauma in our life are Survivors, not victims, and that we hold a certain kindred connection to each other and are better equipped to help others with their healing. I would not go to a plumber for help understanding what is wrong with my car and how to fix it. Just as I would not ask a Priest for marriage advice. Having a relevant frame of reference is important.
I hope that you will consider allowing me the privilege of introducing you to QHHT®/BQH® and the incredible healing it provides.
Below in "Suggestions for when to have a Session" you will find examples of some life events that would be a good opportunity to have a session.
Gain insight and clarity on this life as it relates to your past lives. Get closure on issues that you were never able to resolve. Confirm that all Karma has been resolved and if it hasn’t, gain insight on how you can end the cycle in this life. Explore past or future lives to remind yourself that this is just the end of one of many, many lives and that it is also the beginning of a new one.
Wondering if you are doing what you were meant to do? Getting ready to start a new career and not sure if it’s the right decision? Trying to decide on a career path before entering college? All of these questions can be answered by your higher self during a session. Gain insight into what your true passions are.
Find out why your baby choose you as parents, biological or adopted, either way, this particular baby choose you. What is your karmic contract or is this a new soul incarnation? What lives have you lived before and what was your relationship ?
There are karmic or spiritual reasons for illnesses. For example, lower back and leg pain is a reluctance to move forward, most cancers are caused by negative feelings such as anger, resentment, jealousy. A constant pain in your shoulder could be caused by a bullet in a previous life. Gain insight into what the root cause of your illness is and how you can heal it yourself.
Whether good or bad, find out about a relationship. Do you and your spouse, sibling, partner, parent, grand parent, co-worker, etc., share a karmic contract? Have you lived other lives together? If so, what was that relationship like and how does it relate to the one you have in this life?
Find out why you have the bad habits that you do, where they originated from (a past life or this one) and how you can get rid of that habit for good.
Those of us with emotional trauma are SURVIVORS not victim. Take your power back and gain insight into the trauma. What was the reason behind it? How can it be useful to you? How can you finally release the negative feelings and move on?
Did you have a karmic contract together, and if so, what was it? Did your loved one have any last messages for you? Are they happy on the other side? Are they guiding you in any way? Do you have something to say that you never got the chance to?
QHHT® (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) was developed by Dolores Cannon over a period of 50 years. It is the process of using Hypnosis to reach a voluntary Somnambulistic trance (deep Theta wave) in which you can review past lives, your current life or even in some cases a future life and resolve lifelong physical and emotional symptoms that you have carried over into this life. Dolores was a pioneer in this area and has set strict standards for her practitioners. Dolores' believed that QHHT® sessions were only to be done in person and should not include any additional metaphysical or spiritual modalities. Therefore, all QHHT® session are conducted in person, sessions remotely are prohibited.
BQH® was created by Candace Craw-Goldman, the longtime assistant of Dolores Cannan as well as the First Level 3 Practitioner of QHHT®. BQH® (Beyond Quantum Healing) is a similar technique to QHHT® except that sessions are permitted to be done on-line (remotely) and can include the incorporation of other metaphysical or spiritual modalities. It allows for the practitioner to tailor the session to fit the client's needs as interpreted by the practitioners intuition.
I feel that the term "Hypnosis" comes with some misconceptions due to the sensationalism of it on social media. So here is some Accurate information to help you understand the term as we use it in QHHT® and BQH®.
I cannot ‘force’ anyone into hypnosis. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, meaning that the client is always in control, if you choose not to enter a trance state, then I cannot force you to. The more open you are and the more willing you are to surrender, the deeper your trance and the better your session. If you come to the session with the mindset that "hypnosis won't work on me" then most likely it will not work. So, it is in your best interest to only schedule a session when you are open and willing to participate. I will explain in more depth the process below in THE SESSION section below.
Quantum Healing Hypnosis explained:
Every person experiences the Somnambulistic states twice a day (Theta wave), when you are falling asleep and when you first wake up, therefore it is not something that you do not already experience in your daily life. The difference is that instead of progressing to a sleep or a fully awake state, you are instead held, so to speak, in this Theta Brain Wave state while your Subconscious/Higher Self/Intuitive Side helps you look at your current and past lives to help you understand why you are experiencing certain physical or emotional symptoms.
Thoughts coming from the subconscious mind are coming from a part of the brain that bypasses the ‘filter’ of the conscious mind (the logical side that likes to ‘analyze’ data. i.e. The Left Brain). My questioning technique will keep you in the creative/intuitive "Right Brain" where the subconscious can communicate freely without the Left Brain interfering. I will ask you to always say the first thing that comes into your mind since this is usually coming from your subconscious. In some rare cases the Left Brain will intervene and try to convince you that you are just making it all up. But we have techniques for moving the Left Brain out of the way in those cases.
Through this process you will see patterns emerge and your subconscious will help you understand your purpose in this life, the “cast of characters” that you have traveled with from life to life and how you can be relieved of your physical and emotional symptoms by acknowledging and learning from the past.
Through this process, QHHT® and BQH® practitioners have experienced extraordinary results, such as:
- Cancer of all types and stages – Cleared
- Reconstructions of joints and bone
- HIV – eradicated from the body
- Heart disease, valve issues, etc. – Healed
- Liver/Kidney – Full regeneration
- Wounds – Healed with no scar
- Migraines – Never to return
- Vision – Full vision restored
- Diabetes – Cleared
- Intestinal Issues – Cleared
- Thyroid – Cleared
- Back/Neck/Shoulder/Arms/Legs – Pain removed and structural problems healed
- Lung disease – Cleared
- Skin disease – Cleared
- Spinal Issues – Regrowth of cartilage and straightening of the spine
- SO MUCH MORE, as Dolores Truly Believed “EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE”.
I know, it all sounds too good to be true. I was right there with you, until I saw the results for myself.
As a practitioner my role is to hold space for the client as their own Subconscious/Higher Self brings to the client the information that they need. My job is simply to ask the best questions possible to facilitate the process.
I am not healing you. You are healing yourself.
Each appointment contains three parts and usually takes 5 hours, but there is NO time limit on the session, it takes what it takes. The point is to make this your first and only session, so we take our time.
During the session I will have the opportunity to ask your subconscious/higher-self questions. People have sessions for varying reasons, most are looking for insight into their current life and healing. Some are looking to ask questions about Metaphysics, insight into an event in your life and why it happened, some people even ask about world events or the environment. The door is wide open to whatever it is you hope to gain from the session. In the end, it will be your subconscious/higher-self that will decide what lives you see and what is most important for you to know in this moment. See Downloads for tips on preparing for your Session. and see the Audio/Video tab at the top of the page for Light Trance Regression sessions that you can do at home.
Whatever your reason for seeking a session, setting an Intention for the session is very important. Below is a list of some common focus points for the session, that can be turned into an Intention.
- Insight into your Life Path or Soul's Purpose
- Employment/Career
- Relationships: Romance, Family, Work, Friends
- Physical/Mental Health Issues
- Repeating Patterns in your Life
- Connections to Higher Vibrational States/Spirit Guides/Higher-self
- Clarification on Traumatic/Odd Events, Missing Time, ETs, Reincarnation
- The Root Cause of ANY problem/issue
For more information and Help in formulating Your intention, or to copy/paste a Generic but Powerful Intention that I have written for those that need some guidance, see the FAQ "Creating YOUR Best Intention".
The appointment is broken down into 3 parts:- The Interview- The Session- The Wrap-up
The Interview is the critical first step in the process and generally takes 1.5-2 hours (if more time is needed it is not an issue, this is why there is no specific end time to the appointment). During this time we will CONFIDENTIALLY discuss your childhood, relationships, traumatic events, and anything else you want to get off your chest, so to speak. This is YOUR time to honestly open up about your life without fear of judgement. The things we discuss during the interview will help me to guide the regression session and to know what questions to ask of your subconscious so that you get the most healing possible. NO notes are taken during this time and there are no recordings of the interview.
At the end of the interview, I will write down all of the illness symptoms that you have and the “cast of characters” that we may encounter during your session. The reason for this list is because you may recognize someone from your current life in a past life and I need to know who you are talking about when you say “I see Katie washing clothes in the river.” Perhaps Katie is your wife or daughter in this life, you will call her by her name because on a metaphysical level you recognize her even though she is a different person in a different life.
This is because we tend to travel through our lives with the same group of people. Each life we either create Karma that needs to be paid back, or we “work-off” Karma we previously created. As an example, perhaps in a previous life you were physically disabled and had to be taken care of by a family member and you were not at all appreciative of that care and treated that family member horribly. Then in this life you are now the sole caregiver of someone who is physically disabled, and they treat you as you treated your caregiver. This is a simplistic example but sometimes it is just that simple.
You will also bring along with you a list of questions you may have. Some examples are:- What is my life purpose?- I have a career decision to make, what do I need to know to make that decision?- What do I need to do to bring a loving partner into my life?- Why do I have this illness? What steps do I need to take to release this from my life?- I am thinking of moving, what do I need to consider? Is it the right decision?- Why is my relationship with my husband/wife so conflicted?- There is no limit to the number of questions or type of questions you can ask.
The actual session takes no more than 3 hours. It just depends on how many questions you have and how much information your subconscious mind chooses to give.
The session starts with the induction which takes 15 minutes generally, but every person is different. Please read the section above "AN IMPORTANT NOTE ON HYPNOSIS:" if you did not already.
An important part of the session is the ability to "Visualize" places and things in "the minds eye". Some people have trouble understanding what that means and they think that the images will appear on the back of their eyelids. But that is not it at all. Have you ever read a book where the author describes what is going on in a scene and you are able to almost "see" that scene in your head? THAT is visualizing with your mind's eye. Another example would be if someone asked you to close your eyes and describe to them, in as much detail as possible, the path you walked from your bedroom to the kitchen this morning. What does your bedroom furniture look like? What does the carpet look like? Is there anything on the walls in the hallway? Another example is to close your eyes and imagine your whole family sitting around the table for dinner last night. Who was there? What did you eat? What did the dishes look like? You can also play a some games with yourself to jump start your imagination! - Someone hands you a box. Who gave you the box, describe them in detail? What does the box look like and feel like? What's in the box? - You wake up and there is a miniature horse at the foot of your bed. What does the horse look like? How did it get in your room? What is the horse doing?
If you can do that, then you can visualize in your mind's eye. See "Dear Left Brain" and "Practice for waking up your right brain" at the bottom of the page for more information on preparing for your session. Also click on the Audio/Video tab at the top of the page for exercises for Visualization and some Light Trance Regression examples or you can look on YouTube for "Guided Meditation" content that resonates with you.
The induction will take you into the Somnambulistic trance where we will begin our journey. Every session is different, just as every participant is different, and you never know where it will take you. Based on the information I gather during our interview, your list of ailments and your pre-session questions, I will ask you questions to help determine exactly where you are, who you are and what lesson that life has to teach you.
Just know that the subconscious will decide what life or lives you are shown because those are the lives that are the reason for your current situation and the lessons you must learn to heal. You could travel to the past in your current life, you may travel to one past life because that life holds the key or your subconscious may show you several past lives or even a future life. There is no "routine" session, each is as individual as we are.
It is important to remember that your subconscious is on your side and will never show you more than you can handle and in many cases you come away with a better understanding of just how strong you are.
After visiting your lives we will then contact your subconscious to gain better understanding of why you were shown certain lives, get answers to your list of questions, find out who you are traveling with throughout your lives and finally get the healing that you deserve.
If you have a desire to do this again, we can use a Keyword of your choosing that will immediately put you back in a trance in a future session, thus eliminating the 15 minute induction process.
After you come out of the trance you will feel great. While you get your sea legs back, we will discuss your session, how much you remember, some of the things you did not remember and any ailments that were repaired during the discussion with your subconscious.
Please be aware that during the last several years there has been an increasing trend for clients to be ‘aware’ during their whole session compared to the past where clients couldn’t recall their session. This is because more clients these days are already quite ‘tuned in’ (integrated) with their subconscious even though they might not even be conscious of what this means. Just because you can recall the session does not mean it has not worked. This has become the accepted norm these days. When a person has been in the theta brainwave state it will feel like a “dream” in hindsight, where the memories of the session can begin to fade after completing the session. This is why you are provided with a recording of the session, so that you have an accounting of the experience in your own voice.
You will be given a copy of the audio from the session to take with you and it is recommended that you listen to it often to remind yourself of what was learned and to help keep your symptoms from returning. You may also notice that you receive insight from your subconscious for the 3 days following your session in the form of dreams or intuitive thoughts. Pay attention to these insights. May people notice that each time they listen to it they learn or hear something they missed previously.
Many clients have been on YouTube and watched QHHT session videos. The problem is that this leads to some clients having the expectation that they will find out that they were a famous person from history or receive complex metaphysical information. Although a growing number of clients do have those experiences, it is not the norm. Most clients have past lives similar to the typical life we live now, nothing overly extraordinary happens, it is a normal life spattered with important events such as the life you live now. But those important events that we explore will have a connection to your current life and in that way, they are just as important and extraordinary because they help you to see patterns, gain closure and heal.
How many sessions do you need?
Most participants only require 1 session. They come to an understanding of their purpose and the reasons behind their illnesses and make changes in their life so that these issues never rear their ugly head again. Some participants may lose sight of these things and slip back into their old ways, only to see their illnesses return. In these cases, they usually return for an additional session to reinforce what they should have learned from the first session. Some people return because they want clarification on something they forgot to ask during the first session or maybe their situation as changed and they want guidance on new issues. There is nothing stopping you from having multiple sessions, but we do recommend that you leave several months between session to allow time for you to integrate into your life any changes from your first session. Any future sessions should be shorter because the interview process will just fill in the gaps on what is happening now in your life and what you are looking to relieve with regards to physical and emotional symptoms. In addition, the use of the Keyword that you provided to me will allow for a must fast induction process.
We love our customers, so feel free to visit, check the website for normal business hours.
Open today | 08:00 am – 11:00 pm |
Sessions are By Appointment only.
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